Connecting Traditions
Emotion is a reaction to the song of life.
The interconnectivity of the principals of indigenous cultures is something to behold. A reliance and a respect of nature is a successful way of building humility. The discipline required to survive in nature is unmatched in any modern societal role. These communities respect their elders, act in the interest of future generations and hold a connection to the land that supports them.
The modern world has brought ease to humanity. Comfort has led to the expansion of humanities creative qualities and the possible expansion of the human consciousness into the solar system. Many positive things. But the ease has led to taking life for granted and a disconnection to nature. There is a requirement for more of an equilibrium. For the ways to merge.
Many people are suffering from a lack of knowing their place in a community. Feeling lost or misguided. Enough resources to survive but not to actually live. Resilience is built from initiation and modern culture is lacking it when it counts in the early years of peoples lives.
Exposure to Nature builds resilience, discipline to practice builds resilience. When resistance is the only way through, a natural ability to soldier on is developed and it can be called upon at ideal times. Many positive role models for resilience exist within the indigenous cultures of the Earth. This is a platform to connect with them.
The idea of the interconnectivity of all beings within this metaphysical experience is proliferating at this time. This platform is to open up channels for people to explore the ideals and principals of cultures that embody this belief. The songs they sing to connect, the disciplined practices they commit to to build resilience, the natural medicines they use to heal or connect and the philosophies they have developed from their relationship with nature.
The hope of Earth Wzrdry is that people who connect to this platform gain a stronger understanding of the roots of humanity that still exist on Earth. A hope that this connection brings you closer to your inner nature so that it may guide you to thrive!